Calendar of Events

You can subscribe to have the events listed below show up on your personal calendar, read more below!

Subscribe to this calendar

Want to see these events lined up against your personal calendar on your mobile device or to be able to add them directly?  Here’s how:

For Google Calendar users:

  1. Log into your google calendar.
  2. On the left side of the page, click the drop-down menu option for “Other calendars”
  3. Choose “Add a friend’s calendar”
  4. Put “” as the email address in the prompt that appears

For Outlook Web App users:

  1. Log into your Outlook Web App calendar.
  2. On the left side of the page, right-click “Other Calendars”
  3. Choose “open calendar” from the menu that appears
  4. Fill in “Internet calendar:” with “” in the prompt that appears

Submit your events

Have an event you are organizing on behalf of PAIRA or another PAIA-associated student organization?  Email the what, when, where details to so we can get it on the calendar.

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